A new and exciting opportunity to take part in a community project organised by Yarn Bomb Stapleford.
“The Staplefaux Tapestry” project takes inspiration from the Bayeux Tapestry and Stapleford’s textile industry heritage. We aim to produce a piece of community art, depicting key events in the history of Stapleford.
Schools, groups and other community organisations are invited to choose from a list of events in Stapleford’s history and create a section of the tapestry. (Please feel free to add to the list)
Each section needs to be 50cm high so that it can be joined with other pieces to make a continuous mural. The length of the piece can vary but we would recommend no more than 100cm.
The style and materials used are entirely up to you, so there is no need to be able to embroider, knit or crochet cutting and stitching or even sticking fabric is acceptable.
We would, however, strongly encourage the use of previously used fabrics, such as old, unusable clothing, as much as possible so that the final piece is an example of upcycling.
If the finished parts are to be with us by 25th March 2022.
They will then be joined together and displayed in Stapleford for everyone to enjoy.
If you could let us know what you have chosen to avoid duplicates.
For more information email: admin@yarnbombstapleford.co.uk